About our lenses

The lenses we use are innovative in the field of refractive care. As the synthetic lens replaces your natural lens, it is designed to become a permanent part of your eye. Additionally, the lens lasts a lifetime and will not need to be replaced due to use over time. Our lenses were conceived to bring clarity back to your life, and are also a great long-term solution for a number of eye conditions.


Trifocal lens

The synthetic trifocal lens used in cataract surgery at Cataract MD features a series of rings, designed to diffract light and provide a full range of vision at near, intermediate, and far distances.


The lens also has a stable record of safety, having been used in 43 countries around the world since 2010. There is also a toric version available to help treat patients with higher amounts of astigmatism.


We offer other types of lenses and our team of specialists will recommend the right option for you, based on a variety of factors such as your age and visual needs.


After cataract surgery with a trifocal lens

Over 95% of patients no longer wear glasses or bifocals after cataract surgery with a trifocal lens. For those who do, the majority require them only occasionally.

Daytime vision:

cataractmd day vision monofocal

Vision with a monofocal lens

cataractmd day vision trifocal

Vision with a trifocal lens

Nighttime vision:

cataractmd night vision monofocal

Monofocal lens (6 months after surgery)

cataractmd night vision trifocal

Trifocal lens (6 months after surgery)

Find out if you’re a candidate for cataract surgery

Give us a call to book a free consultation:

Call 1-844-949-0703